Friday, July 9, 2010

Welcome to My World

I am very much a digital native and have grown up and used technology on a daily basis. Blogs, and forums are part of my weekly routine. The information presented I believe is some of the most vital information when considering a topic as you are able to view many different opinions and ways of thinking without being caught up in the confrontation of the varying opinions. It is this sometimes anonymous way of sharing information which attracts people to the use of a blog. They are able to get their point across and share information from their own personnel point of view quickly and easily.

From an educational point of view, blogs provide an opportunity to allow students the agency to share and contribute information in a less confronting and often more productive way. The ability to have resources and other important information available to students is another fundamental success of blogs. However it is the ability of having the information presented in a way which appeals to students and from an author that they know which provides the personal appeal in which students can relate to the information provided. Blogs are more than a personal diary they are a direct reflection of a person, the style, content and overall message that a blog provides is a window into a person's world. Welcome to mine!


  1. Hi Justin,
    You have made some excellent points about anonymity. Have a look at the slideshare on the following page - very interesting.
    I was actually looking for information on Visual Literacy when I came across this.

    P.S Is there a better way to share these links other than pasting URL?

    Being a native you should know!

  2. Hyper-linking is probably the easiest way to make the link quickly accessible. However this quick comment box doesn't allow for those features without the use of the direct coding which is a whole new world. Something interesting to note I think!
